Population cluster


Research on Responding to Socioeconomic Disparities Due to Population Aging


    ① Measures for medical services due to the declining birth rate and aging population
    ② Social Welfare Service Measures in the Era of Declining Birth Rate and Aging Population


Chulhee Lee Professor (Faculty of Economics, College of Social Sciences)
  • - Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago(1996)
  • - Professor, SNU(1998-present)
  • - Chunglam Academic Award, National Research Foundation of Korea Outstanding Scholar


이철희 연구책임자, 교수 Photo
Cluster Leader

Chulhee Lee

College of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, SNU
Research Field :
Economic History, Population Economics
강상경 참여연구원, 교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Sang Kyoung Kahng

College of Social Sciences, Department of Social Welfare, SNU
Research Field :
Mental Health, Health Inequality, Life Cycle (Gerontology), Social Psychology
권정현 참여연구원, 연구위원 Photo
Participating researcher

Junghyun Kwon

Research Fellow
Korea Development Institute (KDI)
Research Field :
Health Economics, Labor Economics
김홍수 참여연구원, 교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Hongsoo Kim

Graduate School of Public Health, SNU
Research Field :
Aging and Health Policy, Health System, Long-Term Care Policy, Nursing Policy, Health Wellness Service, Performance Measurement and Evaluation Research, Elderly Women and Family Health, Chronic Health Issues and Disability, Health& Social Care, ICT & Health Innovation
김태훈 참여연구원, 조교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Taehoon Kim

Associate Professor
Department of Economics, College of Politics & Economics, KHU
Research Field :
Labor Economy, Education Economics
윤참나 참여연구원, 부교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Chamna Yoon

Associate Professor
Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences, SNU
Research Field :
Urban Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics
하정화 참여연구원, 교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Jung-Hwa Ha

Department of Social Welfare, College of Social Sciences, SNU
Research Field :
Elderly Welfare, Social Gerontology
황지수 참여연구원, 부교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Jisoo Hwang

Associate Professor
College of Liberal Studies, SNU
Research Field :
Labor Economics, Family Economics, Population Economics


국가미래전략원 인구클러스터 이민정책연구원 포럼

Institute For Future Strategy Population Cluster Immigration Policy Research Forum

  • Date : 2024-09-27
  • Location :
  • Host : Population Cluster
제34회 인구포럼: 인구고령화 시대 노인의 삶

34th Population Forum: Life of the elderly in the age of population aging

  • Date : 2024-03-21
  • Location :
  • Host : Population Cluster
서울대 국가미래전략원 인구클러스터 포럼

Seoul National University Institute for Future Strategy Population Cluster Forum

  • Date : 2023-08-11
  • Location : Wooseok Economic Hall (Building 223) Large Lecture Room (Room 107)
  • Host : Population Cluster
[국가미래전략원 인구클러스터 포럼] 인구변화와 돌봄 서비스의 미래

Demographic Change and the Future of Care Services

  • Date : 2023-04-03
  • Location : Seoul National University Wooseok Economics Hall 223 Room 107
  • Host : Population Cluster
왜 출생아 수가 감소하는가? – 실증적인 근거를 찾아서 -

Why is the number of births declining? – In search of empirical evidence –

  • Date : 2022-11-24
  • Location : Seoul National University Wooseok Economics Hall 223 Room 107
  • Host : Population Cluster
2022 동아뉴센테니얼포럼

2022 Dong-A New Centennial Forum

  • Date : 2022-10-25
  • Location : Euljiro Lotte Hotel 3rd Floor Sapphire Ballroom
  • Host : Population Cluster
2022 Korean Economic History Society Summer International Conference Population Change and Economic

2022 Korean Economic History Society Summer International Conference Population Change and Economic

  • Date : 2022-08-26
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : Population Cluster
