
Project title

Education Reform TF Project


Problems and Improvement Plans of Korean Education

Research contents

① Establishment of an education system that can be completed only by national curriculum
② Expanding opportunities for upward mobility through education
③ Preparation of human resource development strategy for national development
④ Raising the level of public education through the establishment of a teacher and school evaluation system
⑤ Effective use of education finance (from investment in school facilities to qualitative investment in education)


Oh, Se-Jung Professor Emeritus (College of Natural Sciences Physics · Faculty of Astronomy)
  • - Ph.D. in Physics, Stanford University(1982)
  • - Professor, SNU(1984-2016)
  • - National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (20th) Science and Technology Information Broadcasting and Telecommunications Committee · Board of Education Members(2016-2018)


오세정 연구책임자, 명예교수 사진
Research director

Se-Jung Oh

Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics & Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences, SNU
Research Field :
Condensed matter experiment
김세직 참여연구원, 교수 사진
Participating Researcher

Se-Jik Kim

Department of Economics, College of Social Sciences, SNU
Research Field :
김윤영 참여연구원, 석좌교수 사진
Participating Researcher

Yoon Young Kim

Participating Researcher, Chair Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, SNU
Research Field :
Dynamic-based optimal design, elastic metamaterials and ultrasonic sensors
송진웅 참여연구원, 교수 사진
Participating Researcher

Jinwoong Song

Department of Physics Education, College of Education, SNU
Research Field :
Physics Education, Science Curriculum, Science Education History and Philosophy, Teacher Education
이석재 참여연구원, 교수 사진
Participating Researcher

Sukjae Lee

Department of Philosophy, College of Humanities, SNU
Research Field :
Western Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics
장덕진 참여연구원, 교수 사진
Participating Researcher

Dukjin Chang

Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences, SNU
Research Field :
Economics, Organizational Sociology, Network Analysis
한숭희 참여연구원, 교수 사진
Participating Researcher

SoongHee Han

Department of Education, College of Education, SNU
Research Field :
Learning Society, Learning Ecosystem Research, Critical Adult Education Theory, Comparative International Lifelong Education Research

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