Project title



Changes in international politics and the rise of the global south

Research contents

To summarize the different arguments raised by the rise of the Global South and to set out the goals of our research, we will do the following.

First, the term Global South needs to be examined. The Global South is an axis of geopolitics comprised of states that share a Cold War historical legacy and are politically aligned by similarities in strategic circumstances in the current changing international order. The heterogeneity and lack of unified leadership within these groups limits the ability to define the term as a term for international political analysis, and the challenge of defining it as an analytical term should be a starting point for research.

Second, the meaning of the rise of the Global South, i.e., its influence, is to be determined. It is worth noting that the power and influence of the Global South has increased significantly in recent years, at least to the extent that they can influence the international political landscape if they join forces with the anti-Western coalition centered on China and Russia. Therefore, a full-scale analysis and prediction of the effects of their economic influence and cohesion is essential for predicting future international politics.

Third, we aim to identify whether the Global South will become a structural variable in the changing international political order. An important question to ask about the international political impact of the Global South is whether their international political positioning should be viewed as mere opportunistic pragmatism or as a new structural variable in international politics. It is necessary to clarify whether they will take on the role of structural variables.

Fourth, and related to the previous question, is whether the actions of the Global South will be institutionalized. While they are generally pragmatic and flexible in their diplomacy in the national interest, the extent to which this behavior can be coordinated and its structural implications should be studied, with special attention to the emerging movement of the Global South towards international institutions.

Fifth, the rise of the Global South and its impacts require research on the responses and strategies of important states in different regions of the world. Given their importance, the world's major powers will make desperate efforts to embrace and win them over to their side. Therefore, comparative research on the differentiated responses of major powers to their rise is important.

Sixth, it is necessary to summarize the implications of these changes for South Korea's response strategy. This will provide important practical guidance for South Korea's economic security, public diplomacy, and development cooperation.


Beom Shik Shin Professor (Seoul National University, School of Political Science and International Relations)
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