Future of science and technology Cluster


The future of science and technology


    ① Direction of Theoretical Framework for Deriving Korea's Strategic Technologies
    ② Discovering national science and technology challenges and research agendas reflecting the prospects for future social change


Jeong-Dong Lee Professor (Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Applied Engineering)
  • - Ph.D. in Resource Engineering, Seoul National University
  • - Professor, SNU(1999-present)
  • - Special Assistant to the President on Economic Sciences(2019-2021)


이정동 연구책임자, 교수 Photo
Cluster Leader

Jeong-Dong Lee

College of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Technology Management, Economic Policy, SNU
Research Field :
Industry and Firm dynamics, Productivity and efficiency analysis, Evolutionary economics, Innovation Policy
박상욱 참여연구원, 부교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Sangook Park

Associate Professor
College of Natural Sciences, Department of Science Studies, SNU
Research Field :
Innovation systems, innovation policy, socio-technical transition, hydrogen economy
이종수 참여연구원, 교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Jongsu Lee

Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program, SNU
Research Field :
Technology Economics Management, Consumer Preference Analysis on New Products, Demand Forecasting of New Products
이준환 참여연구원, 교수 Photo
Participating researcher

Joonhwan Lee

College of Social Sciences, Department of Communication, SNU
Research Field :
Human-Computer (AI) Interaction, Social Computing, Information visualization


Technological Innovation and Economic Security, and the Work of a New Nation
2023 SNU Grand Quest Open Forum: Challenging Questions for the Future of Science and Technology
Future Generation Debate
International Forum (Technology Sovereignty)


기술혁신과 경제안보, 새로운 국가의 일

Technological Innovation, Economic Security, and the Work of a New Nation

  • Date : 2023-12-07
  • Location : Seoul National University Wooseok Economics Hall room 504
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster, Economic Security Cluster
SNU 그랜드 퀘스트 오픈포럼(2023년9월 6일(수)~8일(금)과 13일(수)~15일(금))

SNU Grand Quest Open Forum (September 6 (Wed) ~ 8 (Fri) and 13 (Wed) ~ 15 (Fri), 2023)

  • Date : 2023-09-06
  • Location : SNU Sangsan Mathematical Science Museum, Yangduseok Hall, International Conference Room 25-1
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster
[미래 기술 포럼 시리즈 4차]“기술 진화계통도를 활용한 핵심기술 예측” “신기술의 시장기회 식별 및 예측”

The SNU-IFS Future Tech Forum

  • Date : 2023-02-28
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster
[미래 기술 포럼 시리즈 3차]“기술예측을 위한 인공지능 알고리즘”

The SNU-IFS Future Tech Forum

  • Date : 2023-02-15
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster
[미래 기술 포럼 시리즈 2차] “신산업기술 정책의 국제동향과 한국에의 시사”“역대 정부의 유망기술 선정과 신산업 욱성정책-회고와 함의”

[Future Technology Forum Series 2nd] "International Trends of New Industrial Technology Policy and Implications for Korea" "Selection of Promising Technologies and New Industry Promotion Policy of Past Governments: Retrospective and Implications"

  • Date : 2023-02-06
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster
[미래 기술 포럼 시리즈 1차] “한국의 국가전략기술선정 및 주요 육성방안”

[Future Technology Forum Series 1st] "Korea's National Strategic Technology Selection and Major Development Plans"

  • Date : 2023-01-19
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster
독일 프라운호퍼와 기술주권 주제 학회 개최

Conference with Fraunhofer in Germany on the topic of technological sovereignty

  • Date : 2022-10-05
  • Location : Korea Foundation for Higher Education Conference Hall
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster, Korea Foundation for Higher Education

Future Generation Debate

  • Date : 2022-08-25
  • Location : SK Arcadia
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster, Korea Foundation for Higher Education
