탄소중립을 위한 열에너지 정책 발전 방안 thumbnail

탄소중립을 위한 열에너지 정책 발전 방안

  • Date : 2024-05-07
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국가미래전략원 글로벌 한국 클러스터 대담 토론회 thumbnail

국가미래전략원 글로벌 한국 클러스터 대담 토론회

  • Date : 2024-04-30
  • Location :
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국가미래전략원 민주주의 클러스터 학술회의: 우리 선거는 충분히 민주적인가? thumbnail

국가미래전략원 민주주의 클러스터 학술회의: 우리 선거는 충분히 민주적인가?

  • Date : 2024-04-16
  • Location :
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제34회 인구포럼: 인구고령화 시대 노인의 삶 thumbnail

제34회 인구포럼: 인구고령화 시대 노인의 삶

  • Date : 2024-03-21
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국가미래전략원 교육개혁 TF 2차 심포지엄 thumbnail

국가미래전략원 교육개혁 TF 2차 심포지엄

  • Date : 2024-03-15
  • Location :
  • Host :
국가미래전략원 개원2주년 기념식 및 글로벌한국과 경제번영 대담회 thumbnail

국가미래전략원 개원2주년 기념식 및 글로벌한국과 경제번영 대담회

  • Date : 2024-03-06
  • Location :
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Lessons from Pandemic Vaccine Development from COVID-19 and Other Pandemic Pathogens thumbnail

Lessons from Pandemic Vaccine Development from COVID-19 and Other Pandemic Pathogens

  • Date : 2024-02-23
  • Location : Zoom(Online)
  • Host : 팬데믹 클러스터
Innovative Technology Forum for Carbon Neutrality thumbnail

Innovative Technology Forum for Carbon Neutrality

  • Date : 2023-12-13
  • Location : Seoul National University Faculty Hall
  • Host : Carbon Neutrality Cluster
Technological Innovation, Economic Security, and the Work of a New Nation thumbnail

Technological Innovation, Economic Security, and the Work of a New Nation

  • Date : 2023-12-07
  • Location : Seoul National University Wooseok Economics Hall room 504
  • Host : Future of Science and Technology Cluster, Economic Security Cluster
The 1st Symposium of the Education Reform Task Force of the Institute for Future Strategy: University Education Reform

The 1st Symposium of the Education Reform Task Force of the Institute for Future Strategy: University Education Reform " Cannot Korea's university education be reformed into a creative talent education?

  • Date : 2023-11-23
  • Location : Seoul National University Central Library Yangduseok Hall
  • Host : Education Reform Task Force